
时间:2020/12/03 - 12/05
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布展: 2020-12-02
展览: 2020/12/03 - 12/05
撤展: 2020-12-06
周期: 每年一届
地区: 中国 上海市 上海
展馆: 上海新国际博览中心
主办: 中国电器工业协会工业锅炉分会、上海工业锅炉研究所有限公司
承办: 雅式展览服务有限公司、雅展展览服务(上海)有限公司
  展会介绍 更多>>
此外,HEATEC 2020将与雅式集团旗下的两场专业展同期同地举办,届时“供热锅炉”、“电力电工”、“数据中心”三足鼎立,相辅相成,必将带动大批高质量的工商业终端买家用户莅临现场交流采购。
各类锅炉Various Kinds of Boilers

燃油燃气工业锅炉Oil-fired (Gas-fired) Industrial Boilers
| 蒸汽锅炉steam boiler | 热水锅炉hot water boiler | 有机热载体锅炉organic heat transfer material boiler |
燃油燃气商用锅炉Oil-fired (Gas-fired) Commercial Boilers
| 冷凝式锅炉condensing boiler | 燃气供暖锅炉gas-fired heating boiler | 热水机组 hot water unit | 蒸汽发生器steam generator | 真空锅炉vacuum boiler | 贯流锅炉tabular boiler | 铸铁锅炉、铸铝锅炉cast iron boiler, cast aluminum boiler |
生物质锅炉 Biomass Boilers
电锅炉 Electric Boilers
| 电阻式电热锅炉 resistance type electric heating boiler | 电极式电热锅炉
electrode type electric heating boiler | 电磁感应加热锅炉 electromagnetic
induction heating boiler |
余热锅炉技术和产品Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Technology and Products
垃圾、污泥焚烧处理技术及系统设备Solid Wastes, Incineration Technology and Systemic Equipment
废气利用设备Exhaust Gas Utilization Equipment
燃煤锅炉Coal-fired Boilers
| 工业煤粉锅炉industrial pulverized coal boiler | 循环流化床锅炉等circulating fluidized bed boiler |

燃烧器、热工设备与技术Burners and Thermal Equipment & Technology

锅炉燃烧器Boiler Burners
燃烧器配件Burner Spare Parts
| 油泵oil pumps | 烧嘴nozzles | 压力开关 pressure switches |
工业燃烧器 Industrial Burners
工业加热炉 Industrial Heating Furnaces
干燥及烘干设备 Drying Equipment
热风炉Hot-blast Stove
工业热风机 (加热器) Industrial Hot Air Blowers(Heater)
油田加热炉 Oilfield Heating Furnaces
蓄热器、热交换设备 Heat Accumulators, Heat-exchangers
电加热元件 Electric Heating Element
电热管Electric Heat Pipe
电磁感应加热元件Electromagnetic Induction Heating Element
锅炉炉排Stoker Grates

锅炉替代产品及其它热能设备 Boiler Replacement Products and Other Heating Equipment

工业和家用冷热电联供技术与产品Industrial and Home Use Combined Cooling Heating and Power (CCHP) Technology and Products

热泵 Heat Pumps
| 工业余热industrial waste heat | 空气源air source | 水源water source | 地源ground source |
太阳能供热设备Solar Energy Heating Equipment

锅炉零部件及配套产品Boiler Parts and Ancillary Products

泵 Pumps
自动控制装置Automation Controlling Equipment
仪器仪表 Instrumentation
| 温度/压力/流量计量、控制、调节temperature/pressure/flow measure, control and adjustment |
安全装置Safety Devices
报警装置Alarm Devices
散热管Heat Pipes
翅片管Finned Tubes
清洗设备Cleaning Equipment
锅炉、热能系统控制软件Boiler, Thermal System Control Software
系统能源统计分析咨询诊断软件System Energy Statistical Analysis Consultation Diagnosis Software

锅炉制造装备及原材料Boiler Manufacturing Equipment and Raw Materials

材料处理与下料设备Material Handling and Blanking Equipment
| 钢材预处理设备steel pretreatment equipment(喷砂装置sandblasting device)| 数控下料设备(火焰、等离子、激光、水力)CNC blanking equipment (flame, plasma, laser, hydraulic) | 机械下料设备(带锯、圆锯、剪板机)mechanical blanking equipment (band saw, circular saw, shearing machine) | 倒角机chamfering machine | 刨边机 edge planing machine |
金属成型设备Metal Forming Equipment
| 卷板机coiling machine | 管端成型机pipe end molding machine | 数控弯管机CNC bending machine | 折弯机 bending machine | 折边机edge folding machine | 炉胆成形设备furnace liner forming equipment | 胀接设备expansion and connection equipment |
焊接设备 Welding Equipment
| 各类焊机welding machines | 纵环锋焊接装置longitudinal ring front welding device | 膜式壁、蛇形管、翅片管等专用焊接装置special-purpose welding device for membrane wall, serpentine tube and finned tube | 焊接变位机welding positioner | 电动滚轮架electric roller |
加工设备Processing Equipment
| 车削turning | 刨削planing | 钻孔drilling | 铣削milling | 镗削 boring |
无损检测技术与设备NDT Technology and Equipment
检验试验仪器仪表及设备 Inspection & Examination Instrumentation and Equipment
| 材料理化检验设备 materials physicochemical property inspection and testing equipment | 热工环保性能检验检测仪器仪表 thermal environmental performance inspection & examination instruments |
原辅材料Raw and Auxiliary Materials
| 板材 steel plate | 型钢section steel | 管材pipes | 各类焊材 all kinds of welding materials |

节能减排技术和产品Energy-saving & Emission Reduction Technology and Products

节能器、省煤器Energy Saver, Coal Economizer
锅炉水处理技术和设备 Boiler Water Treatment Technology and Equipment
冷凝水回收技术与系统设备Condensing Water Recovery System Technology and Equipment
烟气净化设备Flue Gas Purification Equipment:
| 除尘器dust remover | 脱硫脱硝技术和设备desulphurization and denitrification technology and equipment |

生物质能产品与技术Biomass Energy Products and Technology

生物质固体颗粒燃料制备设备 Solid Biomass Pellet Fuel Preparation Equipment
生物燃气制备系统和设备Bio-Gas Fuel Preparation Systems and Equipment
生物质锅炉燃烧设备 Burning Equipment for Biomass Boilers
生物质干燥及烘干设备Biomass Drying Equipment
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