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光伏电缆(PV1-F 2.5)

· 江苏赛德电气有限公司 [江苏省] 加为商业伙伴
联系人: 王娟
所在城市: 江苏省 扬州
详细地址: 扬州北郊郭集工业园
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光伏电缆的应用Application of photovoltaic cable

该电缆适用于工厂、高原、沙漠、海边等各种恶劣环境,既可以架空、地埋、穿管敷设,也可以垂直和水平敷设;可用于弯曲不大的电缆沟,也可用于弯曲半径很小的电器设备;既可以固定敷设也可以作移动场合使用。赛德在此行业所拥有的丰富经验将成为您理想的合作伙伴。The cable is suitable for factories, plateau, desert, sea and other harsh environment, not only can the overhead, underground, laying, can be vertical and horizontal laying; can be used for cable trench bending small, also can be used for electrical equipment with very small bending radius; can be fixed installation can also be used as a mobile situation. Said experience in this industry will have to become your ideal partner.

给您带来的好处The benefits to you

及时供货Timely delivery

为了保证及时供货,赛德已建立了一个强大的生产能力系统和创建一个快捷高效的物流系统。该系统能及时将电缆从生产地运到客户手中,保证客户的需求能被满足。In order to ensure the timely delivery, Seidel has established a strong production capacity of the system and create a fast and efficient logistics system. The system can timely cable from production to be shipped to the customer hands, to ensure customer demand can be met.

一站式服务One stop service

开发光伏电缆集成解决方案的目的是为我们的客户、安装公司提供的一项增值服务。作为电缆制造商我们将为客户提供更周全和细致的一站式服务,可同时为用户提供光伏系统所需的电力电缆、电气装备用电缆、通信仪表电缆;亦可同时提供性能环保、防酸碱、盐腐蚀、防鼠咬、防核辐射、抗紫外线、防水、防静电、阻燃、防火、耐火、耐高温、耐寒冷、柔软等特殊要求的场合使用的电缆与服务,其将对增加客户的利润起到决定性作用。   The development of photovoltaic cable integrated solution is intended for our clients, install a value-added service provided by the company. As the cable manufacturer we will provide customers with more comprehensive and detailed one-stop service, can also provide users with photovoltaic system required for power cables, electrical equipment with cable, communication instrument cable; and it also provides cable service performance and use of environmental protection, anti acid and alkali, salt corrosion, anti rat bite, anti nuclear radiation, anti ultraviolet, waterproof, antistatic, flame retardant, fire, fire, high temperature resistant, cold resistant, soft and other special requirements of the occasion, the decisive role to increase customer profits.

安装更方便The installation more convenient

    我们开发的低应力防开裂光伏专用电缆、自润柔性光伏专用电缆能耐日光辐射、防鼠咬,实现了不穿管免维护的设计方式,极大的降低了您的安装成本。 We developed a low stress cracking anti special cable, special cable flexible photovoltaic photovoltaic self run ability of solar radiation, anti rat bite. To achieve the design methods do not wear tube maintenance free, greatly reduce the cost of installation of your.

环保、安全Environmental protection, safety

所有电缆都是低烟无卤材料生产的,环保无毒素;遇到火灾时,由于能见度很高,可以使我们很容易的撤离火灾现场;没有有毒气体只有水蒸汽,使灭火工作变得更容易。All cables are halogen low smoke non material production, environmental protection and no toxin; when encountering fire, because the visibility is very high, so that we can easily leave the scene of the fire; no toxic gases only water vapor, the fire extinguishing work easier.

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