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[新品] 18650-超低温锂电池(BS18650-2200)

· 深圳市宝力晟电池有限公司 [广东省] 加为商业伙伴
联系人: 胡生
所在城市: 广东省 深圳
详细地址: 深圳市宝安区福海街道
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§ Do not expose to, dispose of the battery in fire.(不要靠近和放置电池于火中)

§ Do not put the battery in a charger or equipment with wrong terminals connected.


§ Avoid shorting the battery(避免电池短路)

§ Avoid excessive physical shock or vibration.(避免电池过多的物理撞击和震动)

§ Do not disassemble or deform the battery.(不要解剖和使电池变形)

§ Do not immerse in water.(不要把电池浸泡在水中)

§ Do not use the battery mixed with other different make, type, or model batteries.


§ Keep out of the reach of children.(放置电池于儿童不易接触的地方)

     . charge and discharge(充电和放电)。Battery must be charged in appropriate charger only.


§ Never use a modified or damaged charger.(不要使用改装或损坏的充电器)

§ Do not leave battery in charger over 24 hours.(不要把电池放置于充电器超过24h

     . storage(储存)Store the battery in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area.(应把电池置于凉爽、干燥及通风良好的区域)

     . disposal(电池处理)

§ Regulations vary for different countries.  Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.(电池处理要符合当地的规定)

Period of Warranty/保质期

The period of warranty is one year from the date of shipment. Great Power guarantees to give a replacement in case of cells with defects proven due to manufacturing process instead of the customer abuse and misuse.


Storage of the Batteries/电池的存放

The batteries should be stored at room temperature, charged to about 60% to 80% of capacity.
We recommend that batteries be charged about once 3 months to prevent over discharge.


Other The Chemical Reaction/其它化学反应

   Because batteries utilize a chemical reaction, battery performance will deteriorate over time even if stored for a long period of time without being used. In addition, if the various usage conditions such as charge, discharge, ambient temperature, etc. are not maintained within the specified ranges the life expectancy of the battery may be shortened or the device in which the battery is used may be damaged by electrolyte leakage. If the batteries cannot maintain a charge for long periods of time, even when they are charged correctly, this may indicate it is time to change the battery.


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