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solar stents(T1)

solar stents
· 库本得(天津)进出口有限公司 [天津市] 加为商业伙伴
联系人: 李蕊
所在城市: 天津市 西青区
详细地址: 天津市西青区中辛口镇
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Features of the solar panel roof brackets
1. Easy Installation: The innovative rail and rail nut have greatly simplified the installation of solar panels. The System can be installed with a single Hexagon Key and standard tool kit. The rail nut and unique rail extension method allow greatly reduced installation times.
2. Great Flexibility: With the racking system, framed solar panels can be easily mounted on pitched roof. The racking system has excellent compatibility, is suitable for all size solar panel from all the popular manufacturers.
3. High Accuracy: Without the need for cutting rail, the use of our unique rail extending allows the system to be installed with millimeter accuracy.
4. Excellent Adaptability: Engineered to High Standard racking system is safe and strong, it's designed to Comply with AS/NZS 1170.
5. Maximum Lifespan: All components are made of quality extruded aluminum and stainless steel. The high corrosion resistance guarantees the maximum possible lifespan and is also completely recyclable.
6. Guaranteed Durability: Provides a guarantee of 10 years on the durability of all components used.

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solar stents

solar stents
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