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[代理] 数字存储示波器(O4022)

· 长沙力高捷创仪器有限公司 [湖南省] 加为商业伙伴
联系人: 吴玉进
所在城市: 湖南省 长沙
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美国力科LECROY HDO4000系列12位高分辨率数字存储示波器 HDO4022 HDO4024 HDO4032 HDO4034 HDO4054 HDO4104


●   12-bit ADCs 垂直分辨率,增强分辨率模式下达到15-bit
●   200MHz, 350MHz, 500MHz, 1GHz 带宽分布
●  长存储-***高至50Mpts/通道
●   12.1”触摸显示屏,1280×800分辨率
●  多语言用户界面
●   WaveScan-高级搜索和查找工具
●   LabNotebook 归档和报告生成工具
●   历史回放模式-波形回放和测量
●  专业的频谱分析软件
●  功率信号分析软件包
●  串行数据触发和解码
HD4096 高分辨率技术
HD4096 高分辨率技术包含高采样率的ADCs,高信噪比的前置输入放大器和低噪声的系统架构。使用HD4096 技术的示波器可以精确采集和测量高达1GHz带宽、高采样率和比传统8-bit示波器高达16倍的垂直分辨精度。
***高至 50 Mpts 存储深度的HDO4000系列高分辨率示波器可以高精度的捕获大量的数据信息,以作为后期处理的依据。结合2.5GS/s和 50 Mpts存储深度的架构令您在长时间采集和快速脉冲捕获都游刃有余。
大 1 2 . 1”触

您一定难以想象如此高性能的仪器还能够拥有纤细的身材,拥有1 2 . 1”超 大 屏 幕 的 同 时只保 持了 5”的仪 器深 度 和 如 此便 携的 体 积。同时,HDO4000 创新性的外观工业设计能够保持 4 种不同的仪器倾斜位置和视角,您可以随心所欲将它摆在实验室的任何位置。


HD4096 High Definition Technology

HD4096 high definition technology enables oscilloscopes to capture and display signals of up to 1 GHz with high sample rate and 16 times more resolution than other oscilloscopes.

Benefits of HD4096 Technology

Waveforms captured and displayed on oscilloscopes with HD4096 technology are cleaner and crisper. Signal details often lost in the noise are clearly visible and easy to distinguish HD4096 enables oscilloscopes to deliver unmatched measurement precision for improved debug and analysis.

Touch Screen Simplicity

Easily control channels, trigger, math and measurements with the large multi-touch display and intuitive interface.


Advanced Math and Measure

Use automatic measurement parameters and math functions to understand every waveform detail


History Mode Waveform Playback

Scroll back in time to isolate anomalies and quickly find the source of the problem.


Identify and Isolate Problems Fast

Quickly locate analog or digital waveforms for runts, glitches or other anomolies with WaveScan


Save, Document, Report

Save all results and data with a single button press and create custom reports with LabNotebook


Spectrum Analyzer Interface

View signal details in the frequency domain with a spectrum analyzer style user interface


Serial Bus Trigger and Decode

View decoded protocol information on top of physical layer waveforms and trigger on protocol specific messages


Simple Power Measurements

Measure and analyze operating characteristics of power conversion devices and circuits




Vertical System

Bandwidth 500 MHz
Rise time 700 ps
Input Channels 4
Bandwidth Limiters 20 MHz, 200 MHz
Input Impedance 1 MΩ ±2.0% || 15 pF, 50 Ω ±2.0%
Input Coupling AC, DC, GND
Maximum Input Voltage 1 MΩ: 400 V max (DC + Peak AC ≤ 10 Khz), 50 Ω: 5 VRMS
Channel-Channel Isolation ≥ 24 dB
Vertical Resolution 12-bits
Sensitivity 1 MΩ: 1 mV/div - 10 V/div
50 Ω: 1mV/div - 1 V/div
DC Gain Accuracy ±(0.5%) Full Scale, offset at 0 V
Offset Range 50Ω
+/-1.6V: 1mV/div-4.95mV/div
+/-4V: 5mV/div-9.9mV/div
+/-8V: 10mV/div-19.8mV/div
+/-10V: 20mV/div-1V/div
+/-1.6V: 1mV/div-4.95mV/div
+/-4V: 5mV/div-9.9mV/div
+/-8V: 10mV/div-19.8mV/div
+/-16V: 20mV/div-100mV/div
+/-80V: 102mV/div-198mV/div
+/-160V: 200mV/div-1V/div
+/-400V: 1.02V/div-10V/div

Horizontal System

Time/Division Range 20 ps/div - 10000 s/div
Clock Accuracy ±2.5ppm for 5 to 40C + 1.0ppm/year from calibration
Trigger and Interpolator Jitter 3.5 ps (rms)

Acquisition System

Single-Shot Sample Rate/Ch 2.5 GS/s
Equivalent Sample Rate 125 GS/s
Memory 25 Mpts/Ch on 2 Ch
12.5 Mpts/Ch on 4 Ch

Acquisition Modes

Averaging Up to 1,000,000
Peak Detect na
Interpolation Linear, Sin x/x
Enhanced Resolution Up to 15 bits
Sequence Mode Up to 10,000 segments

Triggering System

Modes Normal, Auto, Single, Stop
Sources Ch 1 - Ch 4, EXT, EXT/10, AC Line
Coupling Mode AC, DC, LF Rej, HF Rej
Pre-trigger Delay 0-100% of full scale
Post-trigger Delay 0-10,000 Divisions
Hold-off by Time or Events 2ns up to 20s
Internal Trigger Range ±4.1 Divisions
Trigger Sensitivity 0.9 division: 10 MHz
1.0 divisions: 200 MHz
1.5 divisions: 250 MHz
2.0 divisions: 500 MHz
External Trigger Sensitivity 0.9 division: 10 MHz
1.0 divisions: 200 MHz
1.5 divisions: 250 MHz
2.0 divisions: 500 MHz
External Trigger Input Range Ext: ±0.4 V, EXT/10: ±4.0 V


Type Color Touch Screen 12.1" TFT-LCD
Resolution 1280 x 800
Grid Styles YT, XY

Trigger Types

Standard Triggers Edge, Glitch, Width, Logic (Pattern), TV (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, HDTV), Runt, Slew Rate, Interval, Dropout, Qualified
Optional Advanced Triggers na
Optional Serial Data Triggers I2C, SPI, UART/RS-232, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, SENT, MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, Audio (I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM), USB, USB-HSIC, MIPI D-PHY, DigRF3G

Internal Storage

Waveform Storage 4 memory waveforms plus internal HDD
Setup Storage 6 setups


Number of Math Traces 2
Standard Math Functions Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, FFT, Absolute Value, Averaging (summed and continuous), Derivative, Envelope, Enhanced Resolution, Floor, Integral, Invert, Reciprocal, Rescale, Roof, Square, Square Root, Trend, Zoom
Optional Math Functions na


Number of Measurements Displayed 8
Measurement Parameters Ampltidue, Area, Base, Delay, Delta Period @ Level, Delta Time @ Level, Duty Cycle, Duty @ Level, Edge @ Level, Fall Time (90% - 10%), Fall Time (80% - 20%), Frequency, Frequency @ Level, Maximum, Mean, Minimum, Overshoot+, Overshoot-, Period, Peak-Peak, Period, Period @ Level, Phase, Rise Time (10% - 90%), Rise Time (20% - 80%), RMS, Skew, Standard Deviation, Time @ Level, Top, Width+, Width-


Probes Qty. (4) ÷10 Passive Probes
Scale Factors Automatic/Manual: ÷1, ÷10, ÷20, ÷100, ÷200, ÷1000, ÷2000, ÷10000
Variable: (÷1x10-6 - ÷10000)
Calibration Output 1 kHz square wave, 1.0 Vp-p,
output to probe hook


GPIB Port (optional) 1 (optional)
USB (Device) 1
Ethernet Port 1
USB (Host) 6
Serial Port 0

Power Requirements

Voltage 90 - 264 VAC, 45 HZ - 66 Hz
90 - 132 VAC, 380 HZ - 420 Hz
Max. Power Consumption 330 VA

Environmental and Safety

Temperature (Operating) 5 °C to 40 °C
Temperature (Non-Operating) -20 °C to 60 °C
Humidity (Operating) 80% RH, 31 °C
50% RH, 40 °C
Humidity (Non-Operating) 95% RH
Altitude (Operating) 3,048 m max at <=30C
Altitude (Non-Operating) 12,192 m

Physical Dimensions

Dimensions (HWD) 291.7 mm x 399.4 mm x 131.31 mm
(11.48" x 15.72" x 5.17")
Weight 5.86 kg (12.9 lbs)

Warranty and Service

Warranty and Service 3-year warranty; calibration recommended annually. Optional service programs include extended warranty and calibration services.



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